Common XPEL Window Tint FAQs

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Frequently Asked Questions About XPEL Window Tint

Do you have questions about what XPEL window tint is? Are you wondering why we strongly recommend it for all vehicles? Or do you want to know what the installation process is like?

We've outlined below the most common questions our Lynnwood shop receives. If you have any additional questions or would like to schedule an appointment, contact our office.

Unlike traditional dyed films, nano-ceramic tint is coated with microscopic nano-ceramic particles. The particles are so small they are invisible to the naked eye, while still offering UV ray protection.

Get Your Windows Tinted With Our Professional Team

We use cutting-edge technology that helps control your car's temperatures without reducing driver and passenger visibility.

Our Experience Makes a Difference

Using the best film is only part of the equation. The quality of our installs is what sets us apart from most of our competitors.

No matter the vehicle, we guarantee you will be 100% satisfied with our work.

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